"Veronese is one of  the most unclassifiable figures on contemporary art."

Philippe-Henry Lathimier du Clésier


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CONTACT avec l'artiste: antonioveronese@hotmail.com

Globally renowned artist, activist and educator of minors prisoners, Antonio Veronese's paintings and photographs connect with the soul, conveying pure, powerful emotion beyond words.
Indeed in the eyes of history, Antonio Veronese is a true, rare Master. His imagery is saturated with feeling – each glimpse and viewing rekindles within our souls recognition of and affinity to someone – and sometimes more than one – who is or has been present and meaningful in our lives. Antonio Veronese’s art is dizzying and rich with feeling. To me his paintings and photographs fly free from the soul, always giving honor and love to your subjects. Thank you, Veronese, for warming my heart. As Rilke: “The inner- what is it if not intensified sky, hurled through with birds and deep with the winds of homecoming ”. Thank you, I am humbled. -Master photographer Robert Zuckerman


Little biography

Antonio Veronese, Italian-Brazilian painter, lives in France since 2004. He is the author of « Save the Children« , symbol of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, and « Just Kids » symbol of UNICEF. As well of « La Marche », exhibited in the Parliament of Brazil since 1995, and « Famine« , exhibited since 1994 at the Food Agriculture Organization for United Nations (FAO) in Rome. With 74 individual exhibitions around the world, Veronese is considered by French critics « one of the ten living painters who have already left their tracks on the history of Art ».  Thanks to his painting that in the 80′s and 90′s denounced the violence against child prisoners in Brazil, he received from the Brazilian Supreme Court of Justice the mention « honoris causa », under indication of Latin American Institute of United Nations (ILANUD). Since 1990 Veronese has exhibited successively in several countries, including Brazil, United States, Switzerland, Portugal, Germany, Chile, France, Japan and Dubai. In 1995, he was chosen to represent Brazil at the commemorations of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations. In 1998 he was invited to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva and and in the same year he represented Brazil at the Meeting of Wives of chiefs of State in Santiago, Chile, where he was received by the wife of US President Hillary Clinton.

Contact avec l'artiste:  antonioveronese@hotmail.com



131957005_1806837386158985_1548025860094452370_n Allegory of Hatred #antonioveronese


(cliquez sur les images pour les agrandir)




Antonio Veronese is a complete artiste, in whom aesthetic concerns merge with humanistic qualities. It focuses essentially on the human been or on the human condition, in its deepest suffering: the sons of Eve exiled in our valley of tears. His preference for the heads denotes that it is only through this heads that he can tame the horror … the horror of the human condition. In the dialogue of Timeous, Plato affirms: « The human head is the image of the world. (Francisco Brennand, painter and sculptor)


Découvrez la photographie de Véronèse:



tanja-playner-carrousel-du-louvre-beaux-art-sa_580 #antonioveronese                                                  

   Veronese au Carrousel du Louvre- Paris, 2014  

Artiste de renommée mondiale, activiste et éducateur de mineurs détenus, les tableaux d’Antonio Veronese se connectent à l’âme, transmettant une émotion pure et puissante au-delà des mots. En effet aux yeux de l’histoire, Antonio Veronese est un vrai et rare Maître. Son imagerie est saturée de sentiments – chaque aperçu et visionnement ravivent dans notre âme la reconnaissance et l’affinité pour quelqu’un – et parfois plus d’un – qui est ou a été présent et significatif dans nos vies. L’art d’Antonio Veronese est vertigineux et riche en émotions. Pour moi, ses peintures et photographies volent librement de l’âme, donnant toujours honneur et amour à vos sujets. Merci, Véronèse, d’avoir réchauffé mon cœur. Comme Rilke: « L’intérieur – qu’est-ce sinon le ciel sinon intensifié, traversé d’oiseaux et plongé dans les vents du retour chez nous ». Merci, I’m humbled!  -(Photographe Robert Zuckerman)

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Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, 2014

I often hear that Veronese’s faces evoke child prisoners in Brazil. But this is a reductive idea! It is true that her closeness for years with these distressed children has strongly marked her painting, but what it releases is deeper and more complex. In reality, it is our perplexity painted by Veronese, our helplessness in the face of life and the world today. That’s why he’s beyond fashion, that’s why it’s a classic. It was lacking in our time, poisoned by galloping abstractionism and the nihilism of conceptual art, someone who draws the face of contemporaneity. That’s exactly what Veronese is doing. (Modesto Lanzone)


Click on images to enlarge it



A meeting between music and painting, with  Consuelo Lepauw live from the exhibition AntonioVeronese in Saint-Germain des Près, in Paris



   Version 5

Little biography

The Italian-Brazilian painter Antonio Veronese lives in France since 2004. He is the author of « Save the Children« , symbol of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, and « Just Kids » symbol of UNICEF. As well of « La Marche », exhibited in the Parliament of Brazil since 1995, and « Famine« , exhibited since 1994 at the Food Agriculture Organization for United Nations (FAO)in Rome. With 74 individual exhibitions around the world, Veronese is considered by French critics « one of the ten living painters who have already left their tracks on the history of Art ».  Thanks to his painting that in the 80′s and 90′s denounced the violence against child prisoners in Brazil, he received from the Brazilian Supreme Court of Justice the mention « honoris causa », under indication ofLatin American Institute of United Nations(ILANUD). Since 1990 Veronese has exhibited successively in several countries, including Brazil, United States, Switzerland, Portugal, Germany, Chile, France, Japan and Dubai. In 1995, he was chosen to represent Brazil at the commemorations of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations. In 1998 he was invited to the United Nations Commission on Human Rightsin Geneva and in the same year he represented Brazil at the Meeting of Wives of chiefs of State in Santiago, Chile, where he was received by Hillary Clinton.


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Veronese peint des visages. Ses portraits ne relèvent pas de l’apparence, du mondain, de l’avantageux. Ils ne cherchent pas à plaire ou à faire bonne figure, aucun ne refrène un sourire. Ils semblent réclamer de nous une fraternité perdue, que nous ne pouvons leur donner. Et soudain, nous nous reconnaissons, chacun de nous prisonnier de soi-même.  Ces visages sont les nôtres: sous le pinceau de Veronese, nous sommes tous Dorian Gray  -Antoine Arsan, écrivain. *Auteur de Rien de trop · Eloge du haïku(Gallimard, 2017).


 Version 8

            Entretien à la Revue Chimères, Paris:
Entretien de Veronese au Grand Palais à Paris:
Entrevista em português ao jornalista brasileiro Miguel do Rosário:
- INTERVIEW: with Antonio Veronese:  
 - LA QUESTION BRÉSILIENNE: (Rencontre avec Antonio Veronese au Grand Palais, Paris. Deux artistes, deux époques différentes, mais une passion commune. Antonio Veronese nous parle avec émotion de Portinari et de leur relation au Brésil.: La question brésilienne, rencontre avec Antonio Veronese
 - Interview TIME OUT Dubai:
-CONTACT with the artiste: antonioveronese@hotmail.com
Pour plus d'info allez a:
